The Life of a Uterus-Less Lady
I am a mother, and I still have my uterus. For this reason, I cannot always understand what my patients who no longer have their uterus or do not have children are experiencing physically and emotionally. What I love most about what I do everyday at Foundational Concepts is what I learn from my patients. Despite all the continuing education I receive and all the books I read, it is my patients who often provide the most valuable lessons.
I am sharing a post that a patient of mine wrote about not being a mom and not having a uterus. She is funny, she is confident, she is successful and strong – and I am very grateful to her for sharing her story! I have enjoyed getting to know her, and being a part of her road to recovery. Thank you Stephanie for letting us all in on your experiences!
- Sarah Dominguez, PT MSPT CLT WCS
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