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Male Pelvic Pain

Yes, men have a pelvic floor, too! Oftentimes, when a man has pelvic pain he will report pain in his abdomen, around the penis, testicles, tailbone and anus. This sensation may intensify with sitting, intercourse, urination or a bowel movement. The individual may notice that he is urinating more frequently, having increased “urgency” or even an inability to empty his bladder fully. If that sounds like your symptoms, you could be suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction.

Treating Male Pelvic Pain

A physician will usually evaluate the symptoms of male pelvic pain with a rectal exam. If the exam is painful, the physician may conclude that there is inflammation of the prostate. However, many times the prostate is not inflamed and it is merely spasms within the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor physical therapists at Foundational Concepts can then outline a treatment plan that effectively treats male pelvic pain.

This can include a number of treatment modalities from trigger point release manually or with dry needles, myofascial release, biofeedback training with rehabilitative ultrasound, EMG, mirror or manual feedback, lifestyle changes related to diet, fluid intake, stress management, sleep, and meditation/mindfulness.  The most important facet of our treatment is education about the body and how it manifests pain.

Treating the Whole Person

If you are suffering from symptoms that have been diagnosed as urinary retention, urinary incontinence and/or chronic prostatitis, male pelvic pain or back or hip pain that wont get better, pelvic floor physical therapy for male pelvic pain can help. We can diagnose the source of your pain and treat it at its root cause – not just the symptoms.

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