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Oncology Rehab

So many people suffer from cancer diagnoses. Getting through treatment and the concerns it brings is tough. The treatments have evolved and improved, and are leaving many more survivors than years before. However, this leaves many people left with limitations in function due to the after-effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. You do not have to live with these new limitations. The dedicated and compassionate specialists at Foundational Concepts are here to help! Below is a list of some of the concerns we are experienced in treating:

  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Lymphedema
  • Muscle weakness
  • Limitations in function
  • Limited joint motion due to surgery or radiation
  • Tissue restrictions due to scarring after radiation or surgery

Treating the Whole Person

Cancer leaves many physical and emotional scars. Get the compassionate care you need to thrive post-cancer with oncology rehab services from Foundational Concepts.


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