At Foundational Concepts, we strive to educate our clients, not just treat the symptoms. Here, we have included some helpful information about pelvic floor conditions. We hope this information will benefit you to the fullest!
Helpful Websites
The International Pelvic Pain Society
Interstitial Cystitis Network
National Center for Pelvic Pain Research
National Association for Continence
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
National Vulvodynia Association
North American Menopause Society
Foundational Concepts You Tube Content
Helpful Articles
We will continue to expand this section to bring you current research, news, and articles that relate to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction for both women and men.
Pudendal Neuralgia
Vulvar Pain
Male & Female Sexual Dysfunction
Overactive Bladder
Interstitial Cystitis
Athletes and the Pelvic Floor
Post Partum Return to Exercise
Post Partum Return to Running
Videos, articles and more…
Wall Street Journal: “How often should married couples have sex?”
Video: The Megyn Kelly Show on Women’s sexual health
Sarah Dominguez on the Doctor Anna, MD Podcast talking about All Things Pelvic Floor